Ali Abdaal Video on How I ranked 1st at Cambridge University – The Essay Memorisation Framework



In this video, I talk through the Essay Memorisation Framework that I used to win the top exam results prize in my 3rd year of Medical School at Cambridge University. I was studying Psychology as my intercalated BA, and using this method I created around 50 essay plans and committed them to memory. This video explains how. Enjoy xx

00:34 – General Overview
01:21 – The Creation Stage
— 01:50 – Deciding what essays to plan
— 02:30 – How to plan the essays
— 04:57 – How to make the essay plan really good
08:10 – The Memorisation Stage
— 08:36 – Anki flashcards to memorise content blocks
— 09:50 – Spider diagrams to memorise entire essays
— 12:49 – The Retrospective Revision Timetable to systematically use active recall and spaced repetition
14:10 – Wrapping Up


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